"Held Up" is a American comedy film directed by Steve Rash. The story centers around Rae, a perpetually unlucky woman whose life takes a sharp turn during what should have been a romantic getaway with her boyfriend, Michael. Their trip to a secluded resort is derailed when they stop at a remote convenience store in the middle of nowhere. This seemingly mundane stop quickly escalates into a chaotic hostage situation when a bumbling, amateur robber decides to hold up the store.
Media Info:
General Container......: Matroska Duration.......: 1 h 28 min Size...........: 6.14 GiB Video Codec..........: Matroska High@L4 Type...........: Progressive Resolution.....: 1920x1080 Bit rate.......: 10000 kb/s Frame rate.....: 23.976 FPS Audio Format.........: E-AC-3 Codec..........: Dolby Digital Plus Channels.......: 2 channels Bit rate.......: 224 kb/s Language.......: English Subtitles Language.......: English Language.......: German Language.......: French